From a concerned Utahn!
“Looks like Cambium (which owns Lexia) will be hosting a CRT-based webinar on assessments. So, this begs the question: Will Utah’s new assessment system Cambium market Lexia curriculum and formative assessments to Utah teachers to help with summative test prep? Some Lexia products are already used in Utah. Cambium also owns Rosetta Stone and a host of other online computer-adaptive curriculum/assessments.”
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From: Lexia Learning <>
Date: November 5, 2021 at 5:21:09 PM MDT
To: Subject: [New Webinar!] The Next Level of Asset-Based Pedagogy
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Cultivate a Culturally Sustaining Classroom
To help all students thrive, we need to move from simply recognizing the benefits of diversity to creating a mutually responsive and asset-oriented learning environment. Join us for a new webinar that explains the evolution of equitable cultural inclusion in the classroom, and how you too can develop a culturally sustaining pedagogy.
Webinar details:
The Next Level of Asset-Based Pedagogy: Relevant, Responsive, and LinguisticNovember 10, 2021, 3 p.m. ETMaya Goodall, Senior Director of Emergent Bilingual Curriculum, Lexia LearningWith 20+ years of national aid uinternational educational experience, Maya is a leading expert in culturally responsive education. She speaks three languages and holds an M.Ed. and an M.A. in applied linguistics.
Register here!
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