While honoring the ideals of “innocent until proven guilty,” and due process, we feel the public needs to be aware of this information. We and UtahEd look forward to the
On, June 29, 2022, UtahEd.info put forth a call to action asking the USBE to take a bold stand against porn in schools. Over 400 members of the public put
The title is a great quotation. The video is an intersting watch.
Remember, when the money follows the child, so do the regulations and chaos. Reject vouchers, scholarships, and the like.
A West Jordan Teacher engages in Slam Poetry to announce his activism. original twitter link: https://twitter.com/EITC_Official/status/1532784674933641217
See the image and read below! In part, this “stuff” comes from the NEA teacher’s union. That’s why the books in schools have this explicit language and content…..because THEY thought