See the image and read below!

In part, this “stuff” comes from the NEA teacher’s union. That’s why the books in schools have this explicit language and content…..because THEY thought it should!
The NEA, and its state and local affiliates, the UEA, are not actual stakeholders. They are a labor union.
But, their lobbying efforts install an agenda, not our own, into our children’s classrooms.
If you understand that we should reject the NSBA for naming parents “domestic terrorists,” you can understand that teachers should reject this corrupt and dysfunctional union and the social, sexual, and political agenda as well.
How? I believe Utah did the right thing by decertifying the NEA as representative to teachers here in Utah in state code, but many teachers are not aware that they have the right to choose someone else to represent them. They and school board members need to understand these associations, are not stakeholders–they are labor unions. A labor union can represent their teacher in their employment, but they do not get a say in what gets taught to OUR children.
Please, if you are running for office, YOU represent ME, not a labor union’s social, sexual, and political agenda.
Also, if you are a teacher: YOU CAN OPT-OUT of your union TODAY, AND discover representation from an organization that actually represents you and not a political, social, and sexual agenda like we’ve had to combat for more than 40 years.
Here’s a website where you can learn about the Supreme Court decision Janus v. AFSCME That removed teachers’ dues-paying obligation. I bet your local union rep did not inform you of that.
Finally, the FULL presentation is below.
Dr. Duke Pesta gets credit for this slide from his presentation about the common core.