“The legislature overturned the mask mandate this last week, so imagine my surprise when I showed up to school today and every child that walked through the school doors mask-less was handed a mask! These are young children that don’t know any better and even if they did they are not in a position to resist or overcome the power dynamic that exists at school. Handing students a mask comes with an clear message, whether spoken or not, the message being “PUT IT ON!” Freedom has been granted to these schools and STILL they are trying to FORCE these children to be muzzled. They don’t inform their students or students’ parents that the mandate was overturned. They bank of families being ignorant to this fact so they can keep the charade going. The biggest irony of all is when administrators came over the intercom to have all the masked-up students recite IN VAIN the pledge of allegiance that promises “liberty and justice for all” while they are simultaneously OPPRESSING every one of these children. How blind our society has become! PARENTS MUST ADVOCATE FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Walk your child into the school and make sure the school knows in no uncertain terms that your child WILL NOT be wearing a mask.”

The schools with mostly English Second Language students are the ones being taken advantage of the most. If you know Spanish or other languages, please translate this message and share it with those in our minority communities so they can stand up for their kids too!”

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