Say No to SJR 6: 3Rs in the Classroom

SJR 6 Joint Resolution Promoting the 3rs Framework of Rights, Responsibility, and Respect in Classrooms, if you go by the sound of it, seems like a bill that could inspire folks from both sides of the aisle to shake hands over. But if you click through the Utah 3Rs Project website, you’ll see a pattern emerge that isn’t all that tolerant of religious diversity, despite claims to that fact.

The Utah State Legislature should be very cautious before promoting “vendor-specific” legislation on which to base teacher instructional training , and the Utah 3Rs Project is the case in point. Watch the video below of a Utah teacher testifying to the anti-LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) nature of the training she and other teachers received from Utah 3Rs representatives. At one point in the training, the slide that follows was shown to teachers, who were forbidden to look away, and further instructed to “sit in their discomfort.”

Read the rest of the article at 
Academic Integrity Movement.

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