The Summit workshop is scheduled for March 15th at 4:00 pm. Single agenda item. 
Complete the form below and tell the Davis Board and Decision Makers how you feel about SUMMIT.  
(Read the article below (or this one) to use as talking points or leisure reading. You are welcome and encouraged to use your own).

Email the Davis Board and Decision Makers

Talking points to include with your personal experience:

  • implementation without prior community input or consensus
  • The agreement between Summit & Davis affirms Summit “uses” private student data and information that IS being collected, shared, and retained about OUR minor children and violates PPRA and Utah Code 53E-9-203
  • The partnership removes or restricts local control of education.  Davis partners with Summit Learning Platform and with it multiple requirements, including school schedule, projects, 36 cognitive skills monitoring, and grading
  • poor performance
  • lacks empirical evidence
  • lacks rigor
  • neglect of direct instruction
  • increased and unnecessary student frustration, anxiety, depression & suicidal ideation
  • deterring families from enrollment in Free and Appropriate Public Education
President Robison said:  “We’ll ask each board member to take an opportunity during that evening to present information they receive from their constituents. There will be no public participation at this workshop, so we would ask our patrons to email their board member, if you haven’t already, with any comments you have regarding the Summit program. All of us as board members will have a chance to share however many comments that we have that evening.”

Please send your emails through the form above. 

These are our children, our tax-funded schools, our community and our votes.  

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