Sinister SEL — Part 2
You can’t talk about SEL without talking about Common Core, because that was the vehicle that inched social emotional learning into every subject in school curriculum. They are closely and
You can’t talk about SEL without talking about Common Core, because that was the vehicle that inched social emotional learning into every subject in school curriculum. They are closely and
Utah Teacher Story: “It was over lunch and a co-worker came to get things from the cupboard for her next lesson. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Small talk
In 2013, MSNBC contributor Melissa Harris-Perry famously said, “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents.” This ideology, shared by the UEA
The voice of the people has been clear and loud this session. From the support for liberty as people came in droves to support HB 60 to the voices of people who
Critical Race Theory is the Schrodinger’s cat of public education–it’s both taught and yet somehow not taught in our Utah schools. That’s the conundrum, isn’t it? How can so many
The title is a great quotation. The video is an intersting watch. Email the Legislature Tell your representatives how you feel about HB331.
In light of the controversial gender guidance document recently put forth by USBE, it is more important than ever to educate yourself on this issue.
*Presently, all schools in Sweden require CSE, and homeschools is outlawed. In the past month, the Deseret News has had several editorials supporting school vouchers or tuition tax-credits, and there
From concerned parents regarding HB331: So, let’s get this straight. While the Gates-Zuckerberg funded ExcelinEd works with Superintendent Syd Dickson to remake our public schools around CRT-based Social Emotional Learning This video highlights exactly why we need full curriculum transparency, and not just for what students are learning, but what districts are providing for teachers as “professional development.” The
Remember how they said #CRT is not taught in schools?? Here’s a meeting with the United States Conference of Mayors voting to SUPPORT CRT implementation in public education last fall.
The idea of “school choice” has a certain lure to it. Who doesn’t want more choice in where and how our kids become educated? Utah’s public school performance is in a
A teacher navigating the renewal process reached out to the Smoke Signal this morning and disclosed USBE’s purposeful coaching of educators in how to break the law in Utah. In
Chronicles of a Failing System: Report your incident here! A parent-report from Jordan School district, Hidden Valley Middle: “My son’s “TA” teacher completed the SEL surveys without prior written consent.
Chronicles of a Failing System: Report your incident here! a disclosed letter from a parent to the Davis School Board Dear School Board, Summit needs to be removed from this
This is a post worth sharing! If this happens in your school, report it here! Here is the audio recording of JSD’s Culture and Diversity Outreach Team doing a 6th-grade
There’s a lot of conversation about school choice right now in Utah. Our state is a bit of an outlier in that families have wide latitude in sending their kids
“Yesterday, my class came and all had masks handed to them at the door. So they wore them. It seemed odd to me that I was the one to tell
“The legislature overturned the mask mandate this last week, so imagine my surprise when I showed up to school today and every child that walked through the school doors mask-less
Coming to you direct from admin to teach communications. Yet again, there is false information. Parents, the reality is the legislature has spoken on masks. They did their jobs and
While there are many good and admirable people at the state level working on school choice, most people don’t know that the roots of backpack funding (money follows the child)